Canan Parmaksızoğlu Aksoy , Katalin Nagy
Central and South-Eastern Europe
between the Christian and Ottoman worlds: conflicts, encounters and compromises (XVi-XVIII Centuries)

Edizione Anno: 2022
Pagine: 278
Formati disponibili
Libro: 9791255240266
Ebook: 9791255240112

The Eastern European History Review is an international and interdisciplinary annually online and open access peer-reviewed journal about studies on Central and Eastern Europe in the Modern Age (XV–XIX). The Journal is also the expression of the Study Center CESPoM (Centro Studi sull’età dei Sobieski e della Polonia Moderna – Center Study on the Age of Sobieski and Modern Poland) of the University of Tuscia, born in 1997.

It publishes articles with significant approaches and original interpretations in all research fields concerning Central and Eastern Europe, with specific attention to the History Sciences.

This special issue of Eastern European History Review addresses the complex and intense history of Christian-Ottoman relations in Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Modern Period.

Tracing the salient moments and facts with battles, border issues, diplomacy and intelligence, the volume – with the participation of authors from different parts of Europe and Türkiye – constitutes an international opportunity to analyze topics that continually offer new study themes.

Central and South-Eastern Europe between the Christian world and the Ottoman world: conflicts, encounters and compromises (XVI-XVIII centuries), edited by the Türkiysh historian Canan Parmaksızoğlu Aksoy, is the result of research and scientific collaboration between the CESPoM Study Center and Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group (ELKH-PPKE-PTE).

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