La Lega Santa del 1684 e l’ambasciata straordinaria di Angelo Morosini alla corte di Jan III Sobieski tratta dalle carte conservate presso l’Archivio di Stato di Venezia
Alessandro Boccolini

Immediately after the liberation of Vienna from the Ottoman siege, diplomacy was activated to extend the Holy League stipulated in March 1683 between Poles and Imperials. Papal diplomacy was decisive for the entry into the Christian coalition of the Serenissima Republic of Venice. Thanks to the direction of Innocent XI, and to the work of the papal nuncios in Vienna and Warsaw, Francesco Buonvisi and Opizio Pallavicini, in May 1684, a new Holy League was solemnly sworn in between Poland, the Habsburgs of Austria and the Venetian Republic.

The essay aims to retrace the complex diplomatic phases relating to the League of 1684. They are investigated through the analysis of archival documents (published and unpublished) relating to the extraordinary embassy in Poland carried out by Angelo Morosini. Sent by the Venetian senate to solemnize the alliance just signed, the embassy is above all an opportunity to closely observe the new eastern ally.

Autori dell'intervento:

Alessandro Boccolini è ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B in Storia Moderna (M-Sto/02) presso l’Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Viterbo) dove insegna Storia dell’Europa Orientale.Nel 2015 ha ottenuto il dottorato di ricerca in "Storia e ...

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